Autor: Kenneth Grant
Outside the Circles of Time is the fifth volume in the series of Grant’s Typhonian Trilogies. This is a work that covers an extremely wide area and exposes – to quote from the jacket of the 1980 edition – “a network more complex than was ever imagined: a network not unlike H.P. Lovecraft’s dark vision of sinister forces lurking at the rim of the universe”. Outside the Circles of Time explores a complex of such ideas, from Blavatsky’sSecret Doctrine, Crowley’s The Book of the Law, Lovecraft’sNecronomicon, and Frater Achad’s researches. It also explores the work of Soror Andahadna, a contemporary Priestess of Maat whose work has parallels with that of Frater Achad some decades previously when he announced the inauguration of the Aeon of Maat in 1948. On the more orthodox premise that each Aeon lasts 2,000 years, we are at the beginning of the Aeon of Horus, so the Aeon of Maat might appear a long way off yet. However, the following passage from Outside the Circles of Timeputs the matter in a different light:
«Myths and legends are of the past, but Maat should not be thought of in terms of past or future aeons. Maat is present now for those who, knowing the ‘sacred alignments’ and the ‘Gateway of Inbetweenness’, experience the Word ever coming, ever emaning, from the Mouth, in the ever new and ever present forms that are continually being generated from the mystical Atu or House of Maat, the Ma-atu . . .»